CUTT Wants Help to Feed T&T

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A GROUP in Trinidad and Tobago is asking global organisations to assist with feeding the nation.

The Citizens Union of  T&T (CUTT) is asking other national charities, activists, groups and civil society organisations for food support to assist those suffering the hardships caused by the Covid-19 lockdowns.

In a press release on Wednesday, CUTT stated that  the United Nations World Food Programme, the US Embassy in T&T, US Aid (Eastern and Southern Caribbean Division), the High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to T&T, the Ambassadors of the Netherlands and Japan to T&T as well  as Guyana, Barbados and Jamaica have been contacted to assist.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

CUTT stated, “We intend to send requests to every global food organisation as well as every country and even some states within countries that we hope might be moved to assist us in alleviating the growing hunger in our country. We undertook to do it at this size as too many people are being embarrassed or disappointed in seeking food for themselves and their families, and we hope to get responses that could make it possible for us to feed all those in need for as long as it takes.”

Anyone wanting to assist or collaborate are asked to contact the Executive Director of the Citizens Union Phillip Edward Alexander directly via WhatsApp at 868-682-2110.


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