AZP News

Use 3Ss for Mental Health

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

WHILE the population is battling the physical aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is being reminded that mental health is just as important during this difficult time.

Director of Mental Health at the Ministry of Health Dr Hazel Othello introduced on Monday, the three Ss- Self-care, Support One Another and Seek Help.

She was speaking at the Ministry of Health’s virtual press conference.

Referring to self-care, she encouraged persons to manage information exposure as it relates to Covid-19 news if the information was having a negative effect.

Dr Hazel Othello

She told citizens that they should spend more time doing meaningful activities, participate in group activities with family members who are at home or virtually with other family members. Relaxation techniques could also be done and while exercising cannot be done outdoors, it can be done at home including utilising exercise videos.

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

And physical activity was just as important for children Dr Othello said since a decrease in exercise could lead to childhood obesity.

“Children need to exercise as part of their overall wellbeing. It (lack of physical activity) can impact their mental health if they are just indoors all the time, not getting any physical exercise. Just as I emphasised the physical exercise for adults, it is equally or perhaps even more important for children,” she said.

Dr Othello added that those who work from home should try as much as possible to manage it so that persons can maintain a healthy work life.

Support for one another was also important, as long as the listener would not feel overwhelmed by the other person. If that is the case, then professional help should be recommended.

Dr Othello also said the stigmas associated with seeking professional counselling should not deter persons from seeking such help.

And she said that more research was needed regarding if there was any increase in major mental breakdowns as a result of Covid-19.


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