BARS and casinos can only open from 8 am daily.
This was clarified in the Public Health [2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-Ncov)] (No. 20) Regulations, 2020, issued on Wednesday.

The new regulations were effective from Thursday and was valid until the end of the month.
Previous regulations stipulated a closing time of 10 pm for all businesses but did not give an opening time.
Some bars and casinos were said to have closed at 10 pm and then open again two hours later at 12 midnight.
Regulations regarding places of worship, food establishments, cinemas and theatres and other recently reopened businesses remain unchanged.
Party boats and clubs are not permitted to be open for business while public parties were also prohibited while daycare and pre-schools remain closed.

Anyone found in breach of these regulations is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $50,000 and to six months’ imprisonment.