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5 Traits of the Trinbagonian Alpha Female

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By Neela Ramsundar

I write this with a dear friend in mind – a true Trinbagonian Alpha Female to the core – who’s going through a tough time.

Every so often, even the strongest of us need to be reminded of what makes us who we are, and so today, I highlight what makes a Trinbagonian Alpha Female different from the rest.

Hudson, Awninings

Alpha Females are not trippy, shrilly girls on a night out for fun. They’re women who choose not to be defined by what or who society says we should be, but by what feels right. They are brave, courageous souls, who don’t stand for crap being levelled at them. They call out nonsense when they see it, but are ever so strategic about it. They shine the light for other women to follow, in a path for the better. And if that Alpha Female is also a Trinibagonian …. Well, God help those that seek to oppose them!

Self-care is their secret weapon

Self-care for Alpha Females is knowing how to find that right balance between competing interests. It’s balancing the need to have that flat tummy while understanding the importance of after-work Friday nights tequila shots with friends. It’s working hard but smart while knowing they need to live life every day in a way that they don’t need therapy to recover from. They see themselves as an investment. They recognise how interacting with people drains them, so they set aside time just to re-focus, rest and re-energise before the next batch comes along.

They don’t play victim, they call people out

Alpha females recognise it’s human nature that some people will disappoint or try to exploit them at some point. But Alpha Females don’t dwell on it. It’s water off a duck’s back. If there’s a lesson to be learnt from it, they will, but they move on. Because it’s how they react to the situation that matters, not that it happened. And if you abuse or disrespect someone (including them), they will not remain silent. They will call those people out and make sure boundaries are set and/or reparations are made.


They know who their friends are

Remember the expression: “Friends carry you but they don’t bring you back”?  Trinbagonian Alpha Females know the distinction between their friends who are “liming partners” versus a true friend. Their true friends are the mirrors that reflect the beauty back to the Alpha Female when she needs it, or the rolling pin or bailna when she needs reminding that she’s strayed too far from her objectives.

They live life the way they see fit

Alpha Females know when to walk away from things that don’t work. They are not going to invest time and energy into someone or something that isn’t worthy of them or where their value is not recognised. They don’t live by definitions of how women should be seen and act. They make the rules. They don’t need a boyfriend or a husband, if that means compromising their way of life and doing the things that make them happy and gives them peace of mind. They are not afraid to live the single life, but will accept a partner who understands respect above all else and the direction she’s heading in her life.

They make it happen

Alpha Females don’t wait for opportunities to come by, they make them. They go after what want they want, ferociously. People seem to have a perverse pleasure trying to put women down when they try to get ahead in absolutely anything. Even if it’s simply getting yourself a new car or new jewellery. (“Oh! You paid too much”, “I have one just like it” etc.) But be wary, when you try that with a Trinbagonian Alpha Female, they will put you in your place!

Now that you’ve read this, are you a Trinbagonian Alpha-Female? Be safe Trinidad and Tobago!

Copyright © 2021 Neela Ramsundar, LL.B (HONS), L.E.C is a Civil Litigation Attorney at Law & Certified Mediator.  

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