FOUR people were arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) by officers of the Traffic and Highway Patrol Unit, during road traffic exercises conducted early Saturday morning.
One DUI exercise was conducted between 2 am and 6 am, on Saturday at various locations along the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway.

During the exercise, breathalyser tests were administered to a total of 18 persons and four were found to be over the legal limit.
The men, ages 24 to 40, of San Fernando, Siparia and Santa Flora, were arrested in connection with the offence.
Meanwhile, officers of the Freeport Highway Patrol conducted a speed exercise between 12 midnight and 4 pm on Saturday, which resulted in a total of 22 electronic fixed penalty notices being issued to errant motorists.
And in the North Eastern Division, officers of the Barataria Police Station conducted a road traffic exercise between 6.30 pm on Friday and 1 am on Saturday.
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During the exercise, officers issued Fixed Penalty Notices for various offences including failing to place a child who is five years and under in a child restraint or booster seat in the vehicle and driving without a valid inspection sticker and certificate.

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