35 Venezuelans Sent Back Home

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THIRTY-FIVE Venezuelan nationals who had illegally entered Trinidad and Tobago on February 6, were repatriated back to Venezuela on Friday morning.

The Ministry of National Security in a press release on Friday stated that in keeping with established protocols, between the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard and its Venezuelan counterparts, the repatriation exercise was completed at the border between the two countries.


The ministry that 35 of the 39 persons who had arrived were returned to their home country.

The ministry stated, “Prior to their repatriation, all persons were screened by competent authorities of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as by representatives of the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to ensure among other things, that there were no victims of human trafficking amongst them.


“Cooperation between the Venezuelan authorities, both civil and military, was maintained throughout this exercise. This was to ensure the preservation of the safety and security of the nationals of both nations.”

The TTCG ensured that all of its efforts were in keeping with the highest standards of professional conduct, consistent with the government’s policy and the laws of Trinidad and Tobago, the ministry added.

A Venezuelan baby boy was killed on a migrant vessel by a coast guard officer when it was intercepted southeast of Trinidad on Saturday night.


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