233 Police Officers Have Covid-19

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THERE are 1,080 police officers who are in quarantine and 233 have tested positive for Covid-19.

This was revealed by acting Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Operations Erla Christopher at a Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) press briefing on Tuesday.

Christopher said despite having depleted manpower, police officers continue to do their duties diligently fighting the virus and the criminal elements.


She also gave a breakdown of the numbers of persons arrested during the State of Emergency for various offences.

To date, 213 people have been arrested for breach of curfew, of which 29 were arrested in the last 24 hours and 832 have been detained for breach of public health regulations.

There were 11,075 people who have been issued tickets for face mask breaches with 79  in the last 24 hours.

Additionally, there have been 484 patrols and 53 roadblocks coordinated by the TTPS in the last 24 hours.

Christopher said there were still many people not adhering to the restrictions and regulations. She said there were also taxi-drivers who were operating during the curfew hours.  She asked that commuters pay attention to the protocols.

Christopher said, “Do not be of the opinion that we are afraid of contracting the virus that we will not act. We will abide by the safety standards, wearing our PPE and we will apprehend violators.”

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

She appealed to people in quarantine to remain at home in order to not put themselves and others at added risk.

Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith said police officers were coming out of their vacation and retirement leave to offer their services during this challenging period.


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