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2 Charged for Human Trafficking

Keagan Davidson
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By Sue-Ann Wayow

AFTER the rescue of five Latin American women in St Ann’s, two men have been charged with human trafficking and sexual offences.

Keagan Davidson, 35, of San Juan, was charged with two counts of indecent assault, while, Sherman Sladden, 43, of no fixed place of abode, was charged with receiving and harbouring another person for the purpose of sexual exploitation, transporting another for the purpose of prostitution and receiving a financial benefit that resulted from the trafficking in persons.

They were expected to appear before a Port-of-Spain Magistrate on Monday to answer to the charges, a release from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) stated.

Sherman Sladden

Police reports are that during the from August 10 at 4.30 pm to August 11 at 2 am, a joint intelligence-led operation was conducted by officers of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), the Counter Trafficking Unit (CTU), the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF), the Cyber and Social Media Unit (CSMU) and the Stolen Vehicles Unit, in the St. Ann’s district.

The exercise resulted in five women being rescued and the arrest of five Trinidadians. A silver Nissan Wingroad Wagon, driven by one of the suspects was also seized. 

Two suspects were subsequently released and investigations are ongoing. 

The accused were charged by WPC Timothy of the CTU on Sunday, the TTPS stated.


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