17K UNC Members Vote in Internals

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE United National Congress (UNC) internal election final results have been released. 

It is not any different from the preliminary results which showed a massive victory for the STAR slate which was led by political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar over the United Patriots (UP) led by Rushton Paray. 

Chairman of the Elections Management Committee, Darrell Allahar issued the results on Friday. The preliminary results were issued last Sunday morning. 


He also stated that there was no request for any recount. 

Following their defeat on Saturday night, Paray said all UP members would throw their support behind the party and the leadership chosen by the vast majority of the voting membership. 

This election saw over 17,000 UNC members showing up to vote for the party’s executive with every candidate from the STAR slate with the exception of one receiving over 13,000 votes. 


Of the three deputy leader positions voted in, from the STAR slate Jearlean John received the most number of votes with 13,083 followed by Dr Roodal Moonilal with 13,256 and Dr David Lee with 12,734. 

The UP secured with each candidate at least 3,000 votes. 

Robert Amar, the only independent candidate who ran for deputy political leader received 420 votes. 


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