16 More Covid-19 Deaths… 346 New Cases

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THERE are 16 more deaths related to Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago on Friday.

This was revealed by the Ministry of Health in its latest update (#766).

It also reported 346 new Covid-19 cases taken from samples during the period June 21 to June 24.

See below:

Total people tested: 224, 850

New cases: 346

Active cases: 7,613

Patients recovered: 23,371

Total positive cases: 31,775

Deaths: 791

Patients in hospital: 385

Patients in step-down Facilities: 146

Patients in state quarantine: 331

Patients in home isolation: 6,736

Total persons vaccinated with 1st dose: 194,212

Total persons vaccinated with 2nd dose: 63,647

Deaths recorded for the year:




April: 27 

May 1: 

May 2: 

May 3: 

May 4: 

May 5: 

May 6: 2

May 7: 5

May 8: 7

May 9: 8

May 10: 4

May 11: 9

May 12: 11

May 13: 21

May 14: 9

May 15: 11

May 16: 9

May 17:9  

May 18: 23

May 19: 14

May 20: 10  

May 21: 7

May 22: 17

May 23: 10 

May 24: 15

May 25: 18

May 26: 17 

May 27: 15 

May 28:18 

May 29: 12

May 30: 9

May 31: 16

June 1: 12 

June 2: 16

June 3: 14 

June 4:19

June 5: 8

June 6: 13 

June 7: 12 

June 8: 10 

June 9: 17 

June 10:14  

June 11: 14

June 12: 12

June 13: 14

June 14: 7  

June 15: 

June 16: 9

June 17:4

June 18: 14

June 19: 19 

June 20: 

June 21: 10

June 22: 14 

June 23: 7

June 24: 7

June 25: 16


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