16 Bids for 8 Blocks

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

SIXTEEN bids have been received for the Ministry of Energy’s Onshore and Nearshore Bid Round, 2022.

The closing ceremony for the bids was held on Monday at the ministry’s head office in Port of Spain.

Energy Minister Stuart Young attended.


The 16 bids were made for eight blocks while three attracted no interests.

The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries stated in a social media post, “The success of this bid round augers well for Trinidad and Tobago.”

The Ministry added, “We have been working hard at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries to secure the continuation and success of our energy sector. We have negotiated many agreements that are benefitting the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago providing continued and increased revenue for our citizens as well as continued production of oil and gas.”

The blocks on offer were Aripero, Buenos Ayres, Charuma, Cipero, Cory D, Cory F, Guayaguayare, St Mary’s, South West Peninsula Onshore, South West Peninsula Offshore and Tulsa located in the Central to Southern onshore acreage of Trinidad and South West Peninsula Offshore, located off the southern coast of Trinidad.


There were no bids for Cory D, Cory F and South West Peninsula Offshore blocks.

All successful bidders will receive an Exploration and Production License within 30 days of notification of the acceptance of their offer.

The 2022 Onshore and Nearshore Competitive Bid Round was opened on July 8, 2022 and was remained open for six months until 12 noon on January 9, 2023. 

Successful bids will be announced three months following the close of the bid round.


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