13 Get ‘Seed Grant’ in Tobago

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THIRTEEN people in Tobago are on their way to starting new business ventures.

On Tuesday, they all received cheques through the Realization for Economic Achievement (REACH) Programme at the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection head office.

The REACH Unit focuses on empowerment and poverty eradication among the poor and vulnerable in communities throughout Tobago, to assist them to gain economic independence and self-sufficiency.


The “seed grant” is valued at $7,500 while the Unit does follow-ups, offers training for clients to properly manage their businesses and opportunities for clients to sell and market their products.

The Division’s Secretary  Dr Faith B. Yisrael congratulated and commended the individuals for taking the business initiative and for their resilience even through the Covid-19 pandemic. 

She said, “You are now in the position where you are making the decisions, and it’s a position many were too afraid to make … You have taken the necessary steps to do better, and that does not go unnoticed.” 


Dr B.Yisrael also encouraged them to fully participate in the programme and persevere towards great success. 

She said, “Do not give up, do everything it takes to be successful… allow yourself to be one of the persons that we speak about in five or 10 years from now who are still successful in your respective endeavours.”

The Division’s Administrator Denese Toby-Quashie also advised the recipients to seize the opportunity afforded to them, and participate fully in the upcoming trainings and workshops. 

She added that Tobago’s economy will be stimulated and diversified as a result of the varied establishments that will soon grow on the island. 

Some of the business ventures in which the recipients would be undertaking include animal husbandry, hair and beauty, food preparation, art and craft, farming and landscaping, auto care services, aquaponics and electrical installation. 


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